Shopping around for a new auto insurance policy is a simple way to save money. Start out by getting three quotes from companies, you can call them directly, find information on the internet or even ask your friends and family. You might consider looking around every six to twelve months as circumstances often change.
One of the easiest ways to get a discount on your auto insurance is to have multiple policies with one insurer. If you bundle your auto insurance with your homeowners policy, you could receive more than a 10% discount. If your goal is to pay less for your auto insurance, than raising your deductible will allow you to have lower premiums. Keep in mind that if you do get in an accident, you will need to have money available to pay the deductible. Make sure you don’t over-insure your car. If you have an older car that you know isn’t worth much money, drop your collision and comprehensive coverages so you’re not paying for coverage that you don’t need.
Another way to save is to seek out discounts based on your own behavior. Maintaining a good credit history will enable you to take advantage of discounts as well as a good driving record, student drivers with good grades and a long-time customer discount. Discounts are also available for low mileage, car safety & anti-theft features, and defensive driving courses.
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