If you bought a lemon, turn lemons into lemonade by purchasing an extended warranty for your car. Extended warranties, which cover the cost of repairs after the manufacturer’s warranty has expired, are available for both new and used cars. Most plans run three to five years after the manufacturer warranty has expired. Coverage can vary between limited and bumper-to-bumper, but full coverage is the best way to limit the risk of expensive repairs.
If you think you may have purchased a lemon, then securing an extended warranty will give you comfort and convenience that future repairs are covered. Extended warranties are perfect for the car buyer who is risk-adverse and they are commonly purchased by people who plan to drive their car for a very long time. Like shopping for a car, pricing on extended warranties is negotiable. But since peace of mind is priceless for some, an extended warranty is an excellent tool for car buyers who want to avoid unknown and unplanned risk.
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